Borgio Verezzi, a small village not far from Pietra Ligure. A gem waiting to be discovered

To explore this village with ease and comfort , choose the rental option.

Borgio Verezzi is a small village with about 2,400 inhabitants in the province of Savona. Its located between Pietra Ligure and Finale Ligure and has been included in the list of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages. The village is divided into two sectors: the seaside resort called Borgio and the medieval village on the hill behind Verezzi. The name Borgio derives from the Latin burgus, (village, inhabited centre), while Verezzi is traced back to Veletiis, an ablative plural of probable pre-Roman origin, whose etymon is lost in the mists of time. In the oldest chronicles, the village is referred to as Veretium or Viretum. The latter, perched on the Orera hill, the ‘Saracen’ village is a harmonious ensemble of four different hamlets (Poggio, Piazza, Roccaro, Crosa), characterised by pink stone buildings set in a panorama of rock and sea, and connected by narrow carruggi, mule tracks and small roads – the crêuze – once used by mules and carts.


The first historical documents on Borgio Verezzi date back to Roman times. Over the centuries, the village was threatened by continuous attacks from the Turks and Barbarians. The difference in geographical position between the upper and lower parts made itself felt during the enemy attacks. Sacked by the French army under Napoleon in 1800, after the Congress of Vienna, Borgio followed the fate of the Republic of Genoa, later annexed to Piedmont. In 1885, the road connecting Borgio and Verezzi was inaugurated, which were united into a single municipality only in 1933.


To visit this village in total relaxation, the ‘rent-a-car‘ option  can be an optimal solution without having to adhere to train and public transport timetables. Moreover, you can choose between cars and scooters according to your needs. The Phoenician Mill, at Borgata Crosa is a must see,its   a structure of  historical value. Near by is the Parish Church of San Martino Vescovo which was built in the 17th century. The 17th century Sanctuary of Maria Regina, also known as the Oratory of St Mary Magdalene is also a must see.


In the historic centre of Borgio, one can find the Parish church of San Pietro   which overlooks a large square.  The Parish was built in 1789 and completed in 1806. It is characterised by a white neoclassical structure and two bell towers. The cemetery of  Borgio  has attracted also attracted  a lot of tourists  in the past decades .Its famous for  the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio, whose appearance dates back to the late Middle Ages. Probably built by Benedictine monks on an earlier Roman temple, the sanctuary is an excellent example of Romanesque-Gothic architecture. Whilst under the rule of the Republic of Genoa , a  watchtower was erected and it survives until today. Its   imposing structure is clearly visible to those arriving from the beach. Finally, during your visit to the seaside village, don’t miss the Borgio Verezzi Caves, an authentic wonder of nature. 

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