Santo Stefano al Mare! Come and discover the longest cycle path in the Mediterranean

If you want to take your city bike with you, rent a vehicle!

The longest cycle path in the Mediterranean is located in Italy  precisely  in western Liguria. The route covers a distance of  24 km and includes the coastal stretch from San Lorenzo al Mare to Ospedaletti. One of the most beautiful towns that can be crossed on the cycle path is certainly Santo Stefano al Mare. It is a popular tourist destination in summer, for its sea and equipped beaches, but also in winter, for its attractions and the cycle path.

A cycle path not only for sportsmen but also for families

If you are a bike enthusiast and wish to spend a few days’ holiday with your family, Santo Stefano al Mare is the perfect destination. Here,  you can dedicate yourself to complete relaxation.  The beaches are uncrowded ! If you have decided to spend a few days’ holiday with your family but do not know how to transport your city bike, car rental is the best solution. Rental options  are varied and if you only have a few days available, you can opt for a short-term rental. The route of this cycle path is suitable not only for sports enthusiasts but also for families and  amateur cyclists.

A cycle path that always runs close to the sea

The route through the town is flat and runs close to the sea. From there,  you can marvel at all the beaches  the place has to offer . There are  old colourful fishermen houses that  skirt the marina of Marina degli Aregai. The track continues parallel to the Aurelia, but several metres below, compared to the state road. For a while, it also crosses the town centre, with its typical narrow streets, until it widens out near the old station, used as a refreshment point, and then resumes its journey to Riva Ligure. If you were to take your holidays in winter, no problem! The climate in western  Liguria is friendly to any season.You can ride your city bike without any problem. In winter you will often come across people jogging,  strolling or on their roller skates.

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