Laigueglia, a small village in western Liguria, situated  between Alassio and Andora

If you want to explore this enchanting village,  you have got to  ‘rent a car’ , this way don’t have to worry about  long waits at the bus stop or having to adhere to train timetables. 

The infinite blue of the sea merging with the sky, the glimpses and overhangs, the narrow alleys, the flowering terraces, are the perfect backdrop to an extraordinary  part of  Western Liguria. It has a population of  1,700 resident and is a classic epitome of a  Ligurian seaside village. Fishermen still keep watch over the boats on the beach. With its ‘caruggi’, its small squares overlooking the sea and its ‘budello’, rich in history and tradition, Laigueglia has been elected as one of ‘Italy’s most  enchanting  villages’.


 After the decline of the Roman Empire, the area was under the control of the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of San Martino on the island of Gallinara. Written evidence suggests that in the  12th  century, Laigueglia was a part of the Contado di Albenga,  however it was later integrated  to the Republic of Genova. The village was subject to the political administrative control of a local podestà working on behalf of the Superba. During the Middle Ages, Laigueglia established itself as a fishing village. Between the 12th and 13th centuries,  it attracted  settlers from Catania  who of course had interests in the fishing sector. Fishing and trading actually  attracted  pirate attacacks ,  in 1543 for instance,  it was besieged by Khayr Al Din, the famous Barbarossa, admiral of Suleiman, the Turkish emperor, who attempted to land by firing cannons from the sea. Three years later  ,  Dragut  was victorious and he established himself as  the master of the fishing and trading enterprise . From then on, the republic of Genova advised  all the villages along the coast to equip themselves with fortifications. Today , in  Laigueglia  there   is a tower  which was  constructed (although three towers were built)  to   defend its people from possible invaders.   Its called Baluardo (bastion) and its  right on the seafront.


Strolling around Laigueglia is an activity that  many tourists find satisfactory.  In fact, the shopping in the narrow streets of the centre, the good food in the characteristic venues, the fine sand, the crystal-clear sea and the mild temperatures even in winter are the main attraction for tourists. But how to get there? Taking a rental vehicle is better than making do with trains and buses! Renting a car or scooter is quick and easy and allows you to get around easily and safely. Here are some places of interest that you should definitely see.

The Church of St Matthew

San Matteo is the church that usually stands out in the emblematic images of this seaside village in western Liguria. It is  considered a  symbol of Laigueglia. Built at the end of the 18th century with its   high bell towers,  finely coloured terracotta domes, and  valuable  paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries  does indeed make the church a must see

Shrine of Our Lady of the Pens

Not far away, on a spur of the Capo Mele promontory, you can reach the sanctuary of the Madonna delle Penne, built by Catalan coral fishermen in the 17th century. It owes its name to the statue inside, dedicated to Nostra Señora de la peña (Our Lady of the Rock).

Bastion of Levante

All that remains of Laigueglia’s ancient defence system is the Bastione di Levante, which over the centuries also served as a prison and hospital for quarantined sailors. Walking along the seafront its easier to spot. The  other two towers  ( Giunchetto  and the   Capo Mele)   were   demolished under the directive of  Napoleon Bonaparte for  road construction.  However the bell of the  middle tower  was  recovered  and refurbished and today its used  at the Church of San Matteo.

 Laigueglia beach

 Laigueglia  beach is a long stretch of sand about 3 kms  long . It starts at Capo Mele to the west and ends at the eastern  border of Alassio.  Here, the beach has similar characteristics to the beach in Alassio: it is not particularly deep and the seabed is quite shallow . This makes it an perfect  for families,  especially children and those that can not swim.

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