Calice Ligure, a village just a from the Hinterland of Finale Ligure 

The easiest and most comfortable way to reach Calice Ligure is with a rented vehicle.  

Calice Ligure is a small rural village of 1,720 people located in the Hinterland of Finale Ligure. It lies  on the plain where the Pora stream and the Carbuta torrent meet, the village is rich in history and traditions. Its surrounded by lushy green landscape, ranging from Mediterranean scrubs to pine and beech forests. It lends itself into relaxing walks in the surrounding woods.

Historical Background the Calice Ligure

Founded in the early Middle Ages, the village followed the historical events of the Marquisate of Finale. The land initially belonged to  the Del Carretto family  until  the 1558  rebellion , after which it was  dominated by the Spaniards until 1713. Following diplomatic talks, Calice was then bought by the Republic of Genova. In 1815 it  was incorporated into the Kingdom of Sardinia, as established by the Congress of Vienna in 1814. In 1861 , it was officially  integrated  into the Kingdom of Italy.

Attractions and places of interest

If you wish to explore the village in comfort , avoid  adhering  to  public transportation. The vehicle  rental option is by far the most reliable. Despite its troubled past, the  village is a gem . As a matter of of fact,, It a  retains few historical traces. There are  trenches from the Napoleonic era, a Roman bridge on the route of the Via Julia Augusta at Pian dei Corsi, and some churches which resemble the  elegance of the  Renaissance era.

These include the 15th-century church of San Sebastiano on the road to Finalborgo and the church of San Lazzaro. The church of Santa Libera, on the other hand, dates back to the 16th century. The patron saint of the town is St Nicholas of Bari, celebrated on  the 6th of December. The parish church, dedicated to the Saint, was built between 1773 and 1785 and is the remaking of a 13th-century building and preserves elements of the pre-existing 15th-century church.

The interior houses some works by Maragliano. The Genoese painter of Calice origin, Emilio Scanavino, lived in Calice in the 1960s. He hosted many 20th century artists in his home and for years gave his village the reputation of a small summer capital of art. The small village has kept the interest in art alive and today is home to the Museum of Contemporary Art ‘La Casa del Console’, where you can visit a collection of contemporary art. 

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