Ospedaletti, the kingdom of paragliders

Are you a paragliding enthusiast? Come and spend a weekend with friends in Ospedaletti! For an amazing experience, to reach your favourite destinations safely and easily, we highly recommend our car rental services.

Who has never dreamed of flying in the sky like birds?  Who has never dreamed of simply forgetting the passing of time? Well, paragliding isan opportunity for you to experience this. Whether you are a great contemplative, an adventurer, an acrobat, a sweet dreamer, a child or already a grandparent, paragliding can take you to the playground of your dreams. Paragliding is a fascinating outdoor activity for those who love the idea of flying in the air. The feeling of freedom that accompanies this experience is one of the reasons why most people find paragliding to be an interesting sport. One of the most exclusive areas to practice this activity in western Liguria is undoubtedly Ospedaletti. If you wish to fly against the blue backdrop of the sea at any time of year, rent a vehicle and come with your friends to Ospedaletti. Here you can go to the take-off area located at the top of Monte Nero, perhaps relying on the advice of the local flight schools.

How does a paraglider work?

Before talking about how a paraglider works, you must know what it is made of.
The central element is the wing. It is very light and its structure is designed for wind resistance. During the flight, the wind and the wing will oppose each other, which slows the descent speed and allows navigation. Then there is the harness: a fabric seat that allows the pilot and passenger to sit. The harness is connected to the wing by lines, and strings that give the wing it’s so recognisable shape. To steer the paraglider, the pilot has controls, also known as brakes, which allow him to control speed and direction. The controls are connected to the lines. Finally, the pilot also has a lever called the ‘throttle’ which can be useful in strong winds to accelerate and manoeuvre better.

How a paragliding baptism takes place

If you have never tried paragliding before, once you arrive at the take-off site, you will first have a safety briefing. You will then be  taught a brief summary of how paragliding works and quick training on what to do during take-off and landing. Once your turn has come, you will be handed over to your qualified gliding instructor and can take to the air in tandem! To do this, you will have to trot down the slope, and as you pick up speed, the glider will catch the wind and you will feel lighter and lighter until you no longer feel the ground.  Depending on where you have chosen to fly and the updrafts, the baptism will last between 10 and 30 minutes.

These will be long minutes in which you will calmly enjoy the view. It will also be an opportunity to get to know the place better because you will of course be able to talk to your instructor during the flight and the latter will be happy to describe the overflight area to you. At the end of the flight, the landing will be smooth because the manoeuvrability of the wing allows you to land as if in slow motion. Your baptism will have come to an end, and you will have only one idea in your head: start again!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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