Saint-Julien-du-Verdon, the best places to kayak in the Gorges du Verdon

If you are a kayak enthusiast, in Saint-Julien-du-Verdon you can paddle freely on a beautiful lake or explore more fascinating places. Rent a vehicle and take your own small boat with you.

Saint-Julien-du-Verdonis a small village in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, bordering Castellane. Located in the Verdon Park, it offers a breath-taking view of the clear waters of the beautiful Lake Castillon and enjoys a pleasant Mediterranean climate. Saint-Julien-du-Verdon is the ideal place to kayak independently.

The Lake of Castillon

Here is one of the most famous lakes in the region. 900 metres above sea level, it borders Saint-Julien-du-Verdon and Saint-André-les-Alpes. In the heart of the mountains, this emerald-coloured lake is one of the quietest places in the Gorges du Verdon, and certainly one of the most suitable places for kayaking with the family. Sailing on this lake with its particularly calm waters, one can admire a sublime panorama and discover some beaches that are only accessible from the water.

Best places to kayak in the Gorges du Verdon

Visiting the Gorges du Verdon is one of the most incredible natural sites you can discover in France. Europe’s largest canyon attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, who come, of course, to admire the region’s exceptional landscapes, but also to enjoy numerous activities, on land, in the air and in the water. And among these activities, kayaking in the Gorges du Verdon is undoubtedly the most popular of all. If you wish to take your own small boat with you, hire a vehicle and you can easily reach the safest banks.

Lake Sainte-Croix

The Sainte-Croix lake is undoubtedly a must-see during your visit to the Gorges du Verdon. This artificial lake is on the podium of the largest lakes in France and is also one of the most beautiful! At Lake Sainte-Croix, you can swim, enjoy the beaches, and do  many  other water activities, including kayaking of course. You can reach very pleasant beaches by boat, where you can enjoy shady spots and shallow waters. This site could be ideal for a first initiation into kayaking, before reaching another site, for example the Baudinard gorges, located  on the downstream of the lake.

The Baudinard gorges

If you want to discover the Baudinard gorges, you can only do so aquatic style. To  visit this canyon, kayaking is the ideal way. Many surprises await you along this route, and you can really have an adventure discovering waterfalls and small caves hidden among the cliffs.  Although the waters are calm in  Gorges du Verdon,  the water in   Gorges de Baudinard is often very cold, and not the most suitable for swimming.

The Pont du Galetas and the Grand Canyon du Verdon

Next to Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, upstream of the Sainte-Croix lake, is one of the region’s most popular sites: Pont du Galetas.  The bridge crosses  the Verdon and  forms the junction between the Alpes de Haute-Provence and the Var. From this site, you can start one of the most famous canoe routes in the Gorges du Verdon. Navigating the  crystal clear waters for almost 2 km, you will reach  the Grand Canyon du Verdon.  Expect to be surrounded by enormous cliffs.

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