Diano Marina and  its surroundings, paradise on earth

Are you passionate about mountain biking but don’t know how to reach the starting points of the trails in the Golfo Dianese? With a rental vehicle everything is easier!

Nature, sport and fun: these are the fundamental elements  of an unforgettable outdoor experience. There are several tourist destinations in Italy where it is possible to practice the outdoors,  Diano Marina area is the ideal place par excellence. If you are passionate about this discipline and wish to spend a weekend of adventure and pure adrenalin, the Golfo Dianese offers a vast network of trails that extend through evocative scenery and spectacular  views. The trails run through various tracks,   ranging from the ridges  to  narrow cliffs.  Here you can have a memorable  experience.  The beautiful Mediterranean maquis  embraces the gulf, from the highest peak of Pizzo d’Evigno to the sea

An infinite number of routes within everyone’s reach

The routes are all marked  and are within everyone’s reach. In fact, they are not only reserved for experienced athletes but also for those who want to gradual learn the sport in a safe manner. To reach the starting points of the trails quickly , the ideal thing would be to take a rented vehicle on which to load your mountain bike. You could also turn the vehicle into your personal base camp.

Here are some of the most impressive routes.

The Deer Antennas and the Leap into the Blue

Driving up from Rollo, a medieval village on the border between Andora and Cervo, after about 15 minutes on an uphill dirt road with several hairpin bends, you arrive at the antennas. From here a loop circuit winds through the Ciapà park.  Descending from the antennas you immediately come across the famous Salto nel Blu (jump into the blue), a springboard that throws you into the exceptional backdrop of the Dianese  Gulf of of the sea . The  track continues downhill in a thrilling way, in fact, there are many ramps that you will find on the route and that will guarantee great jumps. Once you arrive in the center of the park,  you can decide whether to descend towards Cervo  trail or go back the same way. The whole circuit  features a series of footpaths with postcard views.

The board, a route recommended for experts

This circuit will take you from Diano Marina to Pizzo Evigno by mountain bike. Only if you are well-trained will you be able to reach the top; in fact, the route is studded with continuous ups and downs, single tracks, fast dirt tracks, steep gravel climbs, mule tracks. To  finish,  you will have to choose whether to continue to Pizzo or turn towards Imperia. If you decide to climb you will be rewarded by a unique and unforgettable view.

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