Bergeggi, a village in western Liguria with a magical charm and breath taking views of the sea

To fully immense your self  to the charm and splendour  of Bergeggi,  its expedient to rent a vehicle.

A few kilometres from Savona is Bergeggi, a small village of ancient history,  with a population of 1,069  it hovers  at an altitude of about 110m on the slopes of Monte Saints Helens ( Sant’Elena). Bergeggi looks down on the long sandy beach and the island of the same name, which contains the remains of an early Christian church and a monastery from the year 1000. Around the island, there is an area that ensures the safety of endangered species.  Coral reefs and poseidonia meadows  also give an incredible view of the place.


The village has origins  that date back  to the ancient Ligurian people. Archaeologists have discovered  remains that  can be traced back to  the Neolithic era. Bergeggi owes its name to its geographical location ,the word ‘berg’ from Bergeggi,  means mountain. Around the year 1000, the bishops of Savona who were then owners of the place, turned the island into an important monastic seat, subordinate to the Benedictine abbey of Lerins. From the end of the 10th to the middle of the 13th century it housed the presumed ashes of Saint Eugene, bishop of Carthage. In the second half of the 14th century, the village was sold by Pope Urban VI to the Republic of Genova and remained a part Genova until its demise in 1797. Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power brought about a lot of geo strategic changes in Europe, through his Italian campaign, Bergeggi was incorporated into the  Republic of Ligurian Republic on the  2nd  December 1797. In 1815 and in 1861 it was then amalgamated into the Kingdom of Sardinia and the Kingdom of Italy respectively. Historical architecture includes: the parish church of San Martino, watchtowers, a medieval monastery and   churches that date back to the 10th and 12th centuries.


 The beautiful beaches in  Bergeggi  make this place truly a magnificent tourist destination for thalassophiles.  There are remarkable views as well,for example, the village is not only elevated but  its roof tops are  terraced .  Its like a pattern  encaustic paintings . More over , the  lanes lead to a breath taking promenade overlooking the sea. Because of its unique  geographical  location and the  attractions it offers, hiring a vehicle is the ideal way of  spending a romantic weekend in Bergeggi. The main archaeological site is the Castellaro di Monte S. Elena. The parish church of San Martino Vescovo houses a  16th century Ligurian-Tuscan school  painting which illustrate  the Madonna of the Rosary between Saints Catherine and Dominic and a wooden crucifix by Maragliano. Certainly ,among its major attractions, Bergeggi offers an enchanting sea enclosed with heavenly   beaches, an island, sheer cliffs, sea caves, the Grotta della Galleria del Treno, the cork oak forest. Last but not least , there is also an  opportunity to dive in the extraordinary seabed of the Protected Marine Area.

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